appreciative approaches
Initiate is where the scope and purpose of the inquiry is defined and distilled. This process leads to the creation of a provocative statement or proposition. The provocative statement frames the challenge or opportunity into a single compelling idea that provides a positive focus for the work.
Inquiry empowers people by helping them to identify and tap into strengths, resources and potential that already exist, but may perhaps have been forgotten or overlooked. This is achieved by helping people recognise what enabled them to be engaged and perform at their very best in the past.
Imagine uses the energy created through Inquiry. This inspires confidence and creativity to imagine new possibilities and ideas which can overcome current challenges and create an improved and enhanced future.
Innovate harnesses the resources revealed by Inquiry and the ideas generated through Imagine to devise solutions and strategies necessary to make the future facing ideas a reality.
Impact moves the innovations beyond being merely great ideas by considering what is needed to make the desired future outcomes sustainable and impactful.
